Monday, July 14, 2008

This too shall pass

I keep reminding myself of that verse... "This too shall pass"
I know the bad gas and not wanting to nap are just a phase we're going through, it's just been a rough few days. But I'm happy to report that today has been a vast improvement from yesterday. I was about to pull my hair out and cried a few times yesterday when I couldn't get him to sleep (even though his eyes looked SO TIRED) It was so stressful for me because I knew he needed to sleep and I knew he was cranky because he hadn't gotten enough sleep, but there was nothing I could do to help him go to sleep. Yesterday was kind of a waiting game. The only problem was I was so tired, I was NOT in the mood for waiting;)

But we got through it and he slept better during the night. And today has felt like such a relief as far as naps are concerned. He's been getting back on the schedule he was on before. He eats, is up for a bit (with pleasant looks and smiles and coo's) and falls asleep after being up for about an hour to an hour and a half. So YAY for whatever has been helping to calm him today. And in turn, has helped to calm me as well. I feel much better today. Still can't wait for the gas to stop bothering him, especially during the night. I go in a few times(or more) during the night to rub his tummy when I know he could have kept sleeping if he wasn't experiencing pain. I know we'll get through it.
My friend Rachel Hyman was just telling me today (in an e-mail) that she remembers going through it too. And it's so good to be reminded that others have been there and better days are around the corner. (thanks Rachel:)

And I just keep asking God to help keep me calm and hopeful for what's to come. And I also make sure to enjoy those moments when he IS enjoying life... the smiles, the active arms and legs, the eyes that love to explore. He's such a blessing. I need to thank God for him EVERYDAY!!

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