Friday, July 4, 2008

The Fourth of July!

So today is Ethan's first 4th of July and he's happily sleeping upstairs as I finish up some e-mails... can't believe he can sleep through all this noise, but I do have a couple fans on to "mask" the BANGS surrounding our house.
And of course, as I'm writing this, I hear him stirring. But he's been asleep now for about an hour, so I'm proud of him. He's actually probably getting hungry.

I just can't wait for him to start going more than 3 hours during the night without eating so we can both get some more rest.

O.k., he's not so happy now, so I need to go!
Just wanted to say how amazed I am that he actually slept through all that noise;)
What a good boy! (next year we'll go see the fireworks - he should be a little more "ready" for it then)

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