Saturday, June 14, 2008

We had a good day

Nothing real eventful happened today, but sometimes no news is good news.
I've been trying a new hold to feed Ethan because of his bad gas and so far it seems to be helping. The last couple of days he was much more fussy than he ever had been and I know it was because of bad gas. OH, such fun for little babies:)

Today has been a beautiful day! Ethan's daddy came over to see him and allowed mommy some hands free time. We went for a walk around the block - I'm getting more and more comfortable with moving around in general, so praise God for a quick recovery! Though I have to say how depressing it is that I still appear to be a few months pregnant. I guess you never know how long it takes to get back to "normal", though I continue to hear I never really will be back to normal.

Ethan continues to amaze us with his strength and he really likes to look around right now. He's definitely trying to focus on things, but it's still hard for him. He can push himself away with his arms and his legs.

Everyday is a new day and he's always looking like he's growing and learning - loving every minute of it!

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