Saturday, October 11, 2008

Such a cutie!

I just thought I'd let you all know what a cutie my little guy is. He makes me giggle just about everyday now. I love watching him try to grab things and try to stick just about everything in his mouth now. And he's been grabbing his feet lately too - it's so fun.

I tried feeding him cereal the other day and he seems to like it. Definitely still getting used to swallowing it, but he'll get the hang of it eventually. And it seems we went from struggling with naps to struggling with sleeping during the night. I may have said something about it in my last blog, but for about a month now, I've been going to bed just PRAYING that Ethan would sleep better. I'm not sure what caused it, but he tends to wake at least a few times during the night. So I guess it's just another hurdle to get over.

He had to get his shots yesterday and definitely wasn't thrilled about it, but he's been doing very well today. In fact, I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but he took 3 GREAT naps today and didn't even wake in the middle like he usually does. I'm thinking it must have something to do with the shots and giving him tylenol yesterday?? I don't know? But if he sleeps better tonight, I'll be THRILLED!!! And if he doesn't, I'm already used to getting hardly any sleep, so I'll be fine.

Nothing else to report really. Though we did make it to homecoming last weekend and he got to meet my friend (Laura's) baby, Luke. And he saw my other friend (Katie's) baby, Lydia, for the second time. It was so fun to see the three of them together. Lydia was born May 12, Ethan May 29, and Luke June 4. So it was a fun visit! I'll have to get some pictures on once I can get my computer to work again.

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